How ironic that black people are the ones committing the most hate crimes against Barack Obama. I believe my people are suffering from what I like to call, Uncle Ruckus Complex. Self hating black people who project their ignorant-ass self hate onto their own race. Even after the trash talkin priest and Jesse Jackson wanting to "cut the niggas nuts off" there is yet another African-American culprit in the plot to hate on Obama. This time, to my utter disbelief, it's Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court. He is claiming that Obama's presidency shouldn't be valid due his "questionable citizenship". What a fucking dick this guy is. I can remember as a kid seeing this same dude on T.V. defending himself in a sexual harrassment charge on Capitol Hill. He told some chick "hey baby, there's a pubic hair in my Coke." Whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean, I don't know, but he said it. Allegedly...Anyway, what do you hope to accomplish by doing this Clarence Thomas? Piss off Obama? First of all, unless you want blood in the streets, Obama ain't goin anywhere. Secondly, since you've pissed off the man, he'll probably find someone to replace you then have you erased. Third, you told a chick "there's a pubic hair in my Coke"! You're lucky to still have a job you fuckin asshole! My people are a hot ass mess
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