After a few weeks of giving our celebrities a break I thought I would start off this week with a bang. Why Jim Jones you ask? I mean after Jay-Z shat upon him with his "We Fly High/Ballin" diss and the Birg Gang seeming more like a flock of pigeons why pick on poor Jimmy? Well I heard that he is now putting the "N" word and "B" word to rest. "Well, why is that a bad thing Krizz?" Because in place of them he wants to put the names Obama and Michelle respectively. Yes. He did. Example: "Oh yeah, Taz? That's my Obama right there." Or,"I love them phat booty Michelles'." Get it. Yeah, if this is what's poppin in the streets I'm turning in my hood card. So I propose that instead of calling Jim Jones, well, Jim Jones, we should call him ASSHOLE whenever we see him. Example: "Hey asshole, I heard your new single. That joint is hot!" Or,"Hey asshole, I love the dipset. BALLIN!!" Get it. So congrats to you Jim Jones. You are the Douchebag of the Week. Thanks for trying to set us back another 40 years.
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