I'm glad I didn't give them little bastards my money...To keep it real, had I rode my black ass down there on a hot ass stank cheese bus, I'd be going back down there today to put my foot up that little fuck-tard's ass. First those little dickheads get all that donation money and buy bling to show off on the red carpet of the BET Awards and on you tube, and now one of the little motherfuckers runs off and shoots himself while cleaning a gun.
Why do you have a gun little fuck-tard?
To make matters worst, the little asshole just went to jail for shoplifting.
Check this bullshit out.
The adage goes: Some people never learn...
Some people take an event and use it as a turning point in their lives. There are thousands of examples of addicts, gang-bangers, murderers, and thieves turning from a cyclical life of detrimental behavior and incarceration to more fulfilling lives of public service, wealth, and/or personal and professional success of varying degrees. But some people use an event to further their slide into lives of social maladjustment and individual hardship.
Such would seem to be the case of Mychal Bell.
One of the six teenagers that comprised the Jena 6, Mychal Bell, now 18, spent a few hours in the hospital Tuesday morning following surgery from a non-life-threatening wound after a gun he was cleaning discharged Monday (December 29) night, wounding him in the shoulder. As CNN (and other media outlets) centers their attention on Bell once more, other recent events involving Bell have surfaced.
According to the News Star, Mychal Bell was arrested for shoplifting Christmas Eve. Bell and an unidentified male, according to Monroe authorities (Bell recently moved to Monroe from Jena), placed $370 worth of merchandise in a Dillard's shopping bag and exited the store. A security guard followed them and a chase ensued. Bell was later found hiding under a vehicle. Reports that Bell began swinging wildly after rising, striking the security officer. He was charged with shoplifting, resisting arrest, and simple battery.
Mychal Bell had been out of jail for less than one month from serving time for his involvement in the Jena 6 incident.
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