Yes you heard me correctly. His name is Mystery. So in another attempt to further ruin television the geniuses at Viacom decided to pursue this idea. Now I am told that this show was on last season but I somehow missed it...unfortunately. As far as entertainment value goes this show is great. It involves this guy pictured above. He goes by the name of Mystery. lol. Mystery goes on to tell how he was a geek who never got any pussy, girls told him they were only friends, blah blah blah...Then one day he sat down and came up with a magic formula that would make any woman attracted to him. lol. Supposedly now he can get any chick he wants. I guess what's hard for me to believe is how anyone could take him seriously with that hat on. So he has a show where he takes a few dudes who either haven't had sex or have had sex one time 7 years ago. He then, by the end of the series, is supposed to turn one of them into..."The Pick-Up Artist". The ultimate pussy gettin' machine. I guess what troubles me is I just can't imagine this guy bangin a shit load of chicks. I mean I could see where he would walk in the club with that furry hat on and some drunk chick would strike up a conversation with him about the fuzzy hat and they would laugh and he might get her number cause she's pissy drunk and he would call the next day and she would be like "who's this?" and he would be like "Mystery" and she would be like "that weirdo from the club with the furry hat on?" and he would be like "yeah" and she would be like "lose my number" and hang up. I could see that happening. But not him actually fuckin anybody. No way. Anyways, congrats to you Mystery, you are the Douchbag of the Week. You can wear that title along with them hats.
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