YeahI know. I look dapper then a muhfucka right? However, I am drunk as a bitch right now while I'm typing this blog up. So I went out last night in hopes of...I dunno...anything. I wound up drinking with Taz yet again. Which, by all means, is not a bad thing cause Taz is a fun guy. It did get me to thinking tho. What happened to the Baltimore hip hop scene? I ran into Midas in the parking lot, who is a local emcee here in bmore, standing in front of the 5 seasons debating on whther to go into a battle they were hosting last night. 500 bucks were up for grabs. I was going there just to spectate. he saw me coming in and we talked for a bit then we went up to were Taz was and began gettin tanked. You know 2 years ago the scene here was on and poppin. A packed house, local support was on the rise, and just a overall great place to promote and be heard musically. Now tho not so much. I believe there were a total of three to five people who showed up by the time Midas and myself left the parking lot. You know the stigma about Baltimore is that the locals dont support the musical movement and that was plainly evident last night. In all reality Baltimore is a bandwagon city. Once it's on the radio its hot. Now keep in mind we only have one hip hop/r&b station here so it's a monoploy, but "it is what it is". It's time for our local artists to get a clue and realize that Baltimore is not the be all end all to "get on". Shit, for the Nuklehidz it's not even the start it just happens to be where we live for the time being. And I dont want to come across as a hater because I love Baltimore. It's my home. But I am a realist and realistically fame and fortune just aint gonna happen here. You can argue with me all day on that but I'm just gonna look at you like you're batshit crazy. I've been to New york, L.A., ATL, shit even north carolina has got more goin on as far as local support. To all my loacal artist who may happen to read this do yourself a huge favor...branch out. See what the scenes are like in other states and cities. Feel what its like to be accepted by people who have never heard or seen you before and stop worrying about home. Apparently home aint worried about you cause they aint comin to your shows. Once again, this is not a diss because I love my city to death but my city will be the death of me...at least musically. You have to realize where you are and what you want. If you want to be a local celebrity be my guest, it's your life, but I hear far too much complaining about the local scene. It's not going to change and your're not going to fix it so do the next best thing and take your show on the road. If you do get popular you're going to have to do that anyway so just start now. Never forget where you come from but be able to have the vision to see past what's in front of you. That was my gem of the day. Now take that and fuck off.
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