Jesse Jackson told us black folks years ago that we were somebody. Now years later I get to return the favor to him. Jesse you are somebody too...a complete fucking idiot. I mean, feel how you want about people. If you don't like someone cool. But try not, if at all possible, to tell people that you want to "cut Barack's nuts off" while you're still mic'd up. NOT A GOOD LOOK. Especially since Bill O'Reily was the first one to break the story and you know any chance he gets to make black folk look like ignorant savages he's jumping all on it. I mean for all intents and purposes Barack will probably win the election. Unless Jesse has him shot in the head or something. ( I mean he threatened to cut off the mans balls so it's not that far fetched.) So I'm sure even though Barack says he forgives him and all that good samaritan shit he probably is gonna make Jesse's life a lil bit difficult. Shit I know I would. All this talk about this is the most important time for our race to come together and it seems like everyone who has a major voice in the black community is doing something retarded. So congrats to you Jesse Jackson. You are the douchebag of the week. I can't wait for Al Sharpton to follow up.
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