Now I know I been gone for a while but I was actually doing work...go figure. Anyways, I decided to come back with a bang so here it goes. A BIG FUCK YOU TO THE CHILDREN OF "MY SUPER SWEET 16"!!! Now before you all go, "Oh Krizz is just hatin because he's broke", which by the way would make you a douchebag too, I got good reason to hate these little bastards. So I was up with Taz, havin a drink and discussing world domination while MTV was on in the background. Which by the way should just be called TV now because they don't play music anymore. Then this fuckin show comes on. I had seen it in bits and pieces before but I try not to subject myself to visual and mental torture too much. So, as normal, I began to tune it out when something amazing caught my attention. A 15 year-old verbally lashing their parents. I mean slam cussing them the fuck out. And the parents were taking it like champs. Like shit was all good. For a split second I flashed back to when I was fifteen and I got outta line with my grandad...he promptly spun my head around like the excorcist and beat me like I stole something expensive. Anyways, after this little bitch cusses her parents out they fly her to Itlay to have custom shoes made to match the $5,000 dress she just bought. It gets better. She asks the overpriced Italian shoemaker to name the shoe after her and start a new line. He snickered @ her and ran Daddy's credit card quickly. When she gets back to the states she calls a meeting, during school hours, while @ school, to hand out invitations to the party. Now here's the fun part, not everybody called to the meeting was invited. Some of those kids had the dick look when they didn't get an invite. Then the night of this little snots party. Her theme was "Oscars after party" or some shit to make her feel much more important than she really was. She rents a yacht and has her party on the water. She started cussing niggas out who were "makin it rain" on the dancefloor claiming this was a classy affair. Then Cassidy comes out and performs "My Drink and My 2 Step." The boat docks, the little snot gets off and has a brand new $100,000 Mercedes waiting. The sad part about the whole thing is that this spoiled cunt may very well become someone who could affect your life (i.e. George W. Bush-rich kid, cokehead/alcoholic, business destroyer, 2-term President of the U.S.A) This cum dumpster will probably be a Senator or Congresswoman or some shit like that. All because Daddy's loaded. Okay I'm done...now get the fuck outta here...
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