Before I go on my weekend drinking binge I had to chime in on this fucking idiot. So Toby Keith made probably the most idiotic, redneck statement of the year so far. Of course, it had to do with Barack Obama, cause some ignorant ass white people can't deal with the fact that we gonna have a black president. This fucking moron says on a live radio interview that black people would say that Barack Obama doesn't speak like a black person. Therefore acceptable to whites. He said that Barack speaks like a caucasian. What kinda dumb ass shit is that?!! Have you listened to yourself Toby Keith? You are the poster boy for stupid rednecks. You sound like you just got finished pig wrestling. And exactly how does a caucasian sound? I know white people in pig town (that's the white ghetto in Baltimore) that fuck up the english language more than anyone using ebonics. The fact is that Barack is a speaker. Anyone who is a speaker has to be articulate. It's kind of part of the criteria. Like if you're in a band you probably should know how to play an instrument. As far as we've come in this country we still have a long way to go. Poor Toby Keith. He's so stupid. Congratulations dummy. You are the Douchebag of the Week. Hey wasn't that the name they were trying to make Kunta Kinte agree to in Roots? Toby. How ironic...
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