After my long hiatus I have returned. First off I'd like to say that newborns are a motherfucker. Beautiful, yes. Adorable, you betcha. That all seems to fall by the wayside at 4:45 a.m. when you just want to sleep. Anyway. Let's talk Tiger. You got caught nigga. Don't leave no voicemail with these hoes man. You married son!!! Let me rephrase that. You're married and worth about $750 million!!! Now you're wife is either going to take half of your shit and bounce now...or...make your life hell on earth for a little while longer...then take half your shit and bounce. Either way she's taking half your shit. That's why I think superstars should only cheat with other superstars. Look at Brad Pitt. Cheated on Jenny with Angie right? Left Jenny and ended up with a hotter chick with more bank. Bingo.