So, as I make my triumphant return to the blogspot world I decided to start off with a rant. (Shout out to Lady for the scoop on this one) Some women are great ladies...and some bitches aint shit. Mel Gibsons wife is one of them bitches. After 28 years of living the dream life she up and decides to divorce Mel. Here's the kicker though. They aint have no prenup. Uh oh. California state law requires the breadwinner to give up half automatically. No if ands or buts about it. This bitch is gonna get like 450 million dollars! That's not it either. She also wants alimony and attorney fees. Why not take his kidneys or left nut sack while you're at it? This bitch been laid up in the mansion not doin shit but spending money and eatin bon bons living swell of that "Passion Of The Christ" money. In what world is this fair?!! I mean yes, Mel should have had more sense than to be a Hollywood celebrity, get married and have no prenup but damn! This bitch is heartless. So congratulations Mel Gibson's wife, you are the douchebag of the week.
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