So I'm fresh off a long night of performing and promoting, good and tipsy still, and I'm ready to let loose. I HATE REPUBLICANS. Well politicians in general, but the Repubs are on the top of the list. Have you ever seen such a group of liars and out of touch people? Let's start with the speakers, Fred Thompson is up first. I believe he got up there and tried to call Obama a celebrity and a do nothing. Weren't you in a bunch of B movies? I think he was in Die Hard 2. The worst one by the way. Wasn't Ronald Reagan an actor too? I don't wanna hear nuthin you gotta say Fred Thompson. The turncoat with the droopy cheeks, Joe Lieberman, or something like that. Ranted and raved that McCain needs to be pres cause he got tortured blah blah blah. Who gives a fuck that McCain got tortured? Certainly not me. I mean it's fucked up and all but really, as Taz said previously, what's that got to do with 2009? Nothing. Bush's wife, who proved that she can't speak very well either, got up there looking like new millenium cave bitch and basically said nothing for twenty minutes. There were a few more forgettable appearances by some other politicians. The guy with the beaver teeth, Mike Huckabee, is a funny looking dude by the way. Bush showed up via satellite looking half drunk claiming he couldn't be there cause he had to monitor hurricane Gustapo or whatever. I guess he's tryin to make up for the Katrina disaster. Then this Palin chick. She's a mess. She went on about hockey moms and fishing and shit. Reality check lady, that's only shit that happens in Alaska and Canada. Tell me about the gang violence and drug problems of the inner city. Oh that's right you can't cause you don't have an inner city cause your from Alaska. Aint shit happening in Alaska. You know there was an official quote from her, not too long before she was named McCain's choice for VP, where she actually said "Can someone tell me exactly what the Vice President does?" Yeah great choice McCain. One thing is clear though, this chick likes to fuck. And apparently her children are following in her footsteps. Her whorish daughter could get it though. Then McCain went for 45 minutes jerking everyone off who came out in support of him. After that he proceeded to say what he was going to change but failed to mention how he was going to do it. I guess he forgot. Old people do that sometimes. What America needs is someone who is in touch with present day. Not someone who is living in the past and will continue to take the country further down the trail of destruction that we are heading for currently. Furthermore the blatent lies they were telling were hilarious. They touted all of Sarah Palin's accomplishments but failed to mention that she left Alaska in debt after she was done. The only thing she did for Alaska was give them a tax break one year. Subsequently though she raised taxes on other things the people wouldn't notice so she could build a new ice rink. What a mess. So Congratulations RNC. You are the douchebags of the week. BTW all those people need a fashion tip.
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