Do the 'nigga moments' ever stop Huey?
The nigga moment of this week is some 17 year child who wasn't allowed in her prom due to her hoish attire. They ended up having to lock her black ass up because she wanted to make a scene and demand her money back.
You want to know what? They should have locked her parents up as well. The prom wasn't at the playboy mansion sis, put some clothes on. You deserved every bit of your night in jail for mistaking your prom for the set of a Nelly video.
A Houston, Texas, teenager, Marche Taylor, was led away in handcuffs because her dress was to revealing. Actually, the truth is that she was arrested because she wouldn't leave when she was supposed to. The best I can tell, she caused no violence, and she just wanted her prom money back. If the cost of her prom was the same as my son's, I don't blame her. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry about this story.Depending on who you are; where you live; who your peers are and how much money you have, you will, as a teen, do the best you can to look "with it" and maybe then some. I think from all reports that this girl tried to put together her own ensemble and didn't make a good decision. She may have been guilty of bad taste; one shouldn't be arrested for that. The police had every right to escort her out; they should have remembered she was a little girl in front of her peers; the handcuffs were ridiculous. If you disagree with me then just replace her with your own child. While we live in a poorer area, my son attends a school where the families have money so the girls are able to purchase "gowns" for prom and for homecoming they are able to purchase shorter fashionable dresses or skirts. They are able to get their hair done beautifully; worlds apart from this girl who was arrested.When sending your own daughter to a prom it seems to make sense to me that there are several things you can do to assure that your daughter has a fun night.I think it is important to remember that she is with a young man and that it makes sense to see her dressed to make him proud to be with her; not to turn him on.The dress should reflect the elegance and importance of the event which is the most important event of the year and the one formal dance of the year. While it is popular to try and look 25 you should remember that your daughter is 17 or 18 and her dress should reflect that.It is best to error on the side of being conservative rather than the side of being risqué.It is important to remember that how she dresses is sending a social message. How do you want her to be perceived? What type of remarks do you want people making about her?
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