You know it's funny how life works. You get yourself into a a nice little zone, you get focused and determined and shit like dat...then you fuck it all up. And when I say you I mean YOU. You see it's very easy to place blame on others for our own shortcomings. However, at the end of the day, who's to blame? Is it the person or obstacle that is standing between you and your goals? I say no. The blame is on you and you alone. Case in point. I have a friend. One of my best friends actually. He happens to be a genius. Not in the traditional Doogie Howser M.D. sense but more of an entertainment genius. Everything he says, does and predicts is on point when it comes to entertainment, mostly music. When this guy puts his foot into somethng and is 100 percent on fire you can tell he is bound for great things. Then a certain someone waltzes their way back into his life and completely derails him. It's actually kind of amazing to watch this whole thing unfold. As as outsider looking in, it's always easier to give an opinion on situations because you're not dealing with it yourself. However, what I have observed is that my best friend enables this person to do this to him. Misery loves company and most people are power hungry. If a fucking miserable someone knows they have power over you why wont they continue to use it? Why should you be happy and they are not? My friend says that he can't understand why this person does this or why this person does that. I tell him "look, it doesn't matter what they do or why they do it. It's how you respond to it." At some point in our lives we gotta make some tough choices. Many times those choices have to do with letting people go. Even people we love, or think we love. Many times we are in love with the idea of being in love. It gets confusing as hell but it all goes back to my point. You can move to another state, another country even. But if you bring along all the bad habits it wont matter. You'll be dealing with the same shitty circumstances that you were dealing with back home. I'm not trying to be preachy n shit but I had to deal with issues myself that were very similar so I speak from some experience. Anyway, in closing I say that in life sometimes you gotta be selfish. If that means cuttin muthafuckas off to better yourself then so be it. Self preservation is key. You'll be a better and much happier person for it in the long run. Now get the fuck outta here....
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