I was up with a friend all night thinking about how we let our emotions and perceptions distort our sense of reality especially in human relationships of all types. I had a friend in a situation, and in fact, ruined it because they didn't see it for what it was, but as they wanted it to be, and after all these years they are finally realizing that.
So here is what I came up with to help you readers and myself learn from my homie's mistakes. First of all, be able and strong enough to step out of a situation, and view it as an intellectual third party. Often times we view our personal situations with our hearts and not our minds, and because everybody is on different levels emotionally for whatever reason, whether past dramas or natural, this is never healthy. For instance ladies, you have a good platonic friend. He compliments you, and because you are viewing this with your emotions, you see these compliments as interest when they are in fact just compliments. That's when its important to step back as an intellectual and analyze the situation as someone looking in and not a participant. When you step back, and notice some questionable signs, its important to not just perceive what you want to perceive, but to communicate with the second party what exactly you are feeling. You never want your perception to become what you think is reality. Most of all, be strong enough to accept the answer you receive even if it was not what you wanted to hear. Do this early, and then move on in your situation accordingly.
Secondly, never ever approach this situation with a bottle of alcohol in hand. It further distorts whats real, and as a depressant it heightens the negative emotional impact overall, and that's never a good look, and it will make rejection that much worst!
Thirdly, keep people out your damn business. There is nothing more confusing then having every Tom, Dick and Jane giving you advice. How emotional are these people? What have they gone through to make them perceive your situation the way they do? Lots of times, they just intensify the wrong emotions that you already had. Thats a hell no and will surely lead to destruction because it breeds the worst kind of rumors. Between their advise, your emotions, and the rumors flying you won't know if you are coming or going...LOL
And lastly, check your emotions all together. Be emotionally stable and independent, and if you aren't emotionally independent, work at becoming so. The worst thing to do is to be emotionally dependent on someone else or a pint of Bacardi . Have a lot of me time, be a thinker, carefully analyze the decisions you make and why you are making them, be honest with yourself with past incidents, because with no honesty there will come no change.
And if at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again...
And that's my intellectual perspective!!!
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