I gotta say I was sad to see it go. HBO's "The Wire", the best show on television, aired it's very last episode Sunday night. All of the characters were so memorable and unforgettable. McNulty, Greggs, "The Bunk", Freeman, Daniels, Omar, Snoop, Weebay, "Stringer" Bell, Marlo, Prop Joe, Cheese, Chris, Michael, Dukie, Bodie, Herc, the Greeks, Clay Davis (sshhhhiiiiiiiit...)Avon & D'Angelo Barksdale, Bunny Coleman, Prez, Naymond, Randy, Bubbles, Ervin Burrell, Carver, Mayor Carcetti. I'm sure there are a few more that I have forgotten but you get my point. All of these characters were memorable in one way or another. One of the best written and acted american shows probably in the history of television. Being that I have spent my entire life living in Baltimore, seeing the story of my train wreck of a city played out for all to see was, in my opinion, just due. The sad part is that "The Wire" only scratches the surface of the chaos that is Baltimore, Maryland. It did, however, give all of those who had no idea what was going on a shocking wake up call. Yes, this IS what really goes on in my city. From the corrupt cops to the cold blooded killing to the poverty to the hard core drug use. It's all real and all fact. To those who said "The Wire" was too extreme for even HBO, (and there were many)you apparently are not in touch with the real world. This is life. That's why "The Wire" was such a good show. It showed you every aspect of the life and times of people who live a very extreme and dynamic lifestyle. For my money that's better than anything you can make-up. I wish all the best to the cast and crew as they pursue more goals in their acting careers. That was one of the best casts I have ever seen. Hats off to everyone involved with the making of that show. Job well done. Sunday night wont be the same again. Can't wait for the DVD's and reruns. Peace.
P.S. I'm still scared of Snoop. lol.
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