Ok, so this is a real fuckin mess if it's true. According to L.A. RagMag, who were on the Adam Corolla show recently, revealed that Jessica Alba got herpes. Eeeeeel. Her ex boyfriend (Cash somebody) hath revealed that he used to pick up her perscription for Valtrex, the ultimate herpes relief meds. He supposedly disclosed the bottle with Jessicas info on it but I can't confirm that one. But wait it gets worse. Wanna know who she got it from (drumroll please) New York Yankees notorious cock slinger Derek "I'm fuckin every hollywood bitch I can before I retire" Jeter. That's right. Now think about. Jeter has slung cock to such hollywood chicks as Mariah Carey, Jessica Biel, Vanessa Manillio and we already know that he gave Jessica Alba the herpes. So that means that Justin Timberlake who's fuckin Jessica Biel and Nick Lachey who's fuckin Vanessa could have STD's. That is hilarious. By the way this takes Jessica Alba off of my chicks I really wanna bone list completely. Sorry boo you're hot but not contract herpes hot. Anyway I'll keep y'all posted if I hear anything else about this messiness. Peace.
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