Damn, looks like Amy might have won this one too. She weights like 80 pounds. The husband must be the biggiest pussy in the whole damn London!! But regardless, he looks like he got a couple of sweet slugs in on her too consider her whole head is swollen and she l
ooks like she lost some teeth...Wait a minute, she never had teeth to begin with as this old picture reveals...LMAO...False call... and what makes it even more fun is she has a MTV awards performance coming up...

Hopefully she heals.
The fight in the early hours of yesterday left 23-year-old Miss Winehouse with blood staining her pink ballet shoes and the knees of her jeans. Purple bruises could be seen on the side of her neck and her knuckles were swollen.But her 24-year-old husband appeared to have come off a lot worse - with cuts and scratches on both cheeks and around his neck. Before the big fight, the singer had made a solo trip out of the hotel at 11pm, walking a few yards down the road to meet and hug a girl in her 20s before returning alone.An eyewitness said it appeared the girl handed over some kind of small package to Miss Winehouse as they hugged
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