My sexy ass is going to have to take the time to agree with Gag(Lady Gaga) on this 'don't ask, don't tell' issue and actually take it one step further.
Get real people, gays are everywhere. They are in the military, in law enforcement, in sports, on TV and everywhere else. If you don't like working with gays, and are in the military, then get the fuck out. In fact, kill yourself because there is no career you can get where there won't be gays, and be sure to take McCain with you. He is about as useless as a bag of rocks.
They might not 'tell', but does that really matter if they are there regardless looking at your raw ass in the shower considering that's what half of you dumb bitches believe? Frankly, I believe you bitches should get over yourselves. The most homophobic folks tend to be the ugly ass fuckers that the gays would never want in the first place.
People seriously, find something to do with yourselves other than stressing over other grown folks bedroom behavior.
Lady Gaga you rock for being the true representative for the people. I hope you stage some kind of protest or something in DC with your 'little monsters' cause I will sure be there fighting for justice. Bottom line is people, if you let these repubz start pulling off these injustices, they will continue and continue until eventually one of these injustices will effect you.
Lets put those sorry bitches in their place now.
Its not about gay, straight, black, or white; it is about freedom and if we don't stop these antics now they will just get worst.
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