My mood is pissed if you motherfuckas really must know!!!
So anyways, we had our Christmas luncheon....And I call myself being a sweetie pie and bringing in mini bologna and cheese sanwiches...Along with a jar of mustard and one of mayo, cause black folks be picky, but anyways, them bitches didn't touch them. I slaved over them bitches while twisting my hair and thats the thanks I get? I am so pissed. Do you know how hard it is to fucking twist your hair and make a bologna and cheese sandwich bites at the same time? I am pissed!!!
Then one evil- ignorant bitch declared, "that is just being cheap for you to make a bunch of bologaa and cheese sandwiches when people in here are bringing in fried chicken and cakes and pies"...as if the fat asses at my job really need fried chicken and cakes and pies ...So I looks at the bitch, and I says to him, "don't be mad at me cause you spent all your doe on the stupid luncheon and now you can't afford to buy your mama that pair of sneakers she wanted for Christmas." And if you ask me, cheap would be peanut butter and jelly anyways.
What a Mess
Taz Jonez
Mysterious Messy Revolution Jam Session January 10th, 2007...
Come on Taz I wouldn't eat that shit either and the fact u were twisting ur hair while making it...oh hell no. Next time just bring lunchables and open them up
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