The Reverend Al Sharpton. Where do I begin. First off I wanna say that I never trust a man with a bad perm. Secondly, we aint had a good black leader since the CIA shot the shit out of Martin and Malcom. The status of our communities prove that shit every fuckin day. Al Sharpton sticks his fuckin nose in any and everything that will get him and that that hair on TV. This nigga got some sort of nerve don't he?
What people may not not know is that back in the early 80's Al Sharpton got in a little bit of trouble. You see this "Man of God" got caught on tape, by the FBI nonetheless, in an undercover sting. I'll bet you'll never guess what he was doing....SELLING COKE!!! Yup. That's right. Selling cocaine. Coca, yayo, nose candy, snow, blow, powder and whatever the fuck else you call it. Check it out if you think I'm a fibber. (Probably on You Tube somewhere) On HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumble (A true house nigga if I ever seen one but that aint the point) about 6 or 7 years ago I saw them air this story and I was floored! They showed the entire video! This coon had on a cowboy hat with a perm in New York buying and sellin from an FBI agent. When first approached by HBO in an interview he got all huffy, said no comment and stormed off, relaxer and all. Then he came back and tried to say that they framed him cause they been after him for years. Mmm hmm. That still don't explain that cowboy hat and the kilo and a half you was hustlin for. This nigga got the nerve to come on my TV trying to tell me what I need to be doin for my community. What the fuck you gonna tell me Al? huh? How to measure grams? How much baking soda and ice I need to make that good diesel for the fiends? Where to get baggies? Where the best raw comes from? Who got the Columbian connect? What about Tawana Brawley motherfucker!! Another cluster fuck of epic proportions that you still get questioned about.
Do us all a favor and just go away. We don't want you as our president. We don't want you as our leader. Most of us don't really like you that much. Just go away. Not that long ago you were contributing to the destruction of our culture, people and neighborhoods but you wanna turn around and tell me what I should be doing!! negro please. Wash out that ridiculous perm and take your fat ass round the block a few times. Shut the fuck up too. You not helping matters in the black community at all. Ok. I'm done. Til next time...
I dub this Sharptom bitch a certified mess!
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