In a week where so many messy things have happened from Britney Spears fuck up on stage to the messy she-male that cried about it on you tube, then got clowned on fox news, I'll focus in on something a little more under the radar...
Ja Rule VERSES the Gay People!! LMAO
This is how it went down...
Apparently, Ja Rule, a rapper whose career was ended under the speculation that he be getting it in the ass on the regular when he used E-pills, decided that enough was enough with gay people being on TV...
Apparently, these "televison fags" effect his kids negatively, though I am sure the half-naked hoes in his videos that he exploits, or the violence on his records is just fine by him.
Not to mention how the whole world knows how he cheated on his kid's mom not once, but for years in a relationship now infamous due to Superhead's video vixen confessional tell all.
But anyway, this is how it all went down...
Posted Sep 14th 2007 1:46PM by TMZ StaffFiled under:
Train Wrecks, Music
Rapper Ja Rule recently made the following asinine statement in Complex Magazine about what he thinks is really causing the downfall of society, "...lets talk about all these f***ing shows that they have on MTV that is promoting homosexuality, that my kids can't watch this s**t. Dating shows that's showing two guys or two girls in mid afternoon. Let's talk about s**t like that! If that's not f***ing up America, I don't know what is." Um, how 'bout gun violence, poverty and a broken health care system?!
Get GLAAD's statement, after the jump. In response to Ja's homophobic remarks, GLAAD issued the following statement: "No fair-minded person can look at JaRule's interview with Complex Magazine and believe for one second that his children could be more harmed by what they might see on television than by the vulgarity and prejudice that comes out of their father's mouth. Now that media have seen JaRule's intolerance unmasked by his own words, they have a responsibility not to provide in the future a platform for his ugly, vulgar displays of prejudice." Word!http://www.tmz.com/2007/09/14/glaad-to-ja-...ntinuedcontents As the messy continues LMAO
Sounds like a case of damage control to me. Rapper has new album coming out. Career ended previously due to belief that he takes it in the ass. Rapper disses gays publically believing we the people will think, "if he disses them, we won't think he is one of them, and we'll buy his album"...
Nice try. Didn't work! LMAO